Our Story

The idea of Shadewing was conceived by myself, Tim Berndt, and my business partner, Lee. Who today is sadly no longer with us. His memory is both an acknowledgment and a testament to his remarkable efforts and contributions along the way. One Without, Shadewing would not be where it is today.


When we first embarked on this journey, we had no clue what lay ahead or how tough it would be to bring our idea to life. As truck drivers ourselves, we knew all too well the grueling heat of those long summer days, sitting behind the wheel with the sun blasting through the side window. That’s how Shadewing came to be—born from a genuine need and a deep frustration to find a real solution.

We all spent countless hours in long transport lines and driving under the blazing sun, feeling the heat sear through the window and into our faces. We've all experienced firsthand the relentless glare in the early mornings and late afternoons, and the maddening feeling of being stuck behind a closed window, powerless to escape the sun’s intensity.

We read and heard stories from fellow drivers about the harsh realities of prolonged sun exposure—eye problems, facial cancers, and the infamous “Truck Driver Face” that surfaced in 2012. Many of us have tried various makeshift solutions, from DIY shields to tinted windows, but nothing truly worked. The sun’s glare through the side window had become a part of the job, leaving many drivers frustrated, uncomfortable and resorting to unsafe practices to ffind relief.

Now, there’s a better way. Shadewing has been specifically engineered to solve this very problem by offering a game-changing solution, freeing drivers from the sun’s relentless grip. It’s not just a product; it’s a promise of comfort and peace of mind. With Shadewing, drivers can enjoy a more relaxed and less stressful driving experience, no matter how intense the sun may be.